Modern card games are plentiful, and given our rich history with playing cards, we were able to develop some pretty outstanding games. Modern card games are nothing like the games of the past, except that they use some sort of playing cards. The design is different, the rules are often strange, but they are all beautiful in their own way.
Here are a couple of modern card games that you should definitely consider playing.

Jaipur is a very pretty game, with a design that you will not find elsewhere. It is a two player game, which is its only complication, as far as card games go. The object of the game is to get an invite to the maharaja’s court. You are a couple of traders in the Indian city of Jaipur.
The easiest way to win? There is none. You have to let the game play out its own way and adapt on the fly. You can trade cheap goods or expensive ones and either is a possible way to glory.
The Resistance
Social deduction games are about as fun as they are dangerous, if you are in the company of people who tend to get angry quickly. The Resistance puts you in the shoes of a resistance, whose goal is to overthrow a corrupt government. To do so, the resistance must complete 3 out of 5 missions. But, not everything is cut and dry. There are traitors in the midst.
The goal of the game is to root out the traitors for one side of the resistance and for the traitors, to sabotage the resistance without revealing who they are. You can see why this game might be bad for friendships.
Gloom is a fun game. Your goal is to make a family as sad as possible, in order to make their deaths as miserable as possible. Your opponents will have to cheer the family up, to keep that from happening. The game takes a very light-hearted approach to making someone miserable, which is why the game is so fun. You’ll have a bunch of laughs when you play this, whose artwork should remind you of a famous director who cast Johnny Depp many times.
Marvel Champions

Superhero games are always interesting, but can be overly tacky if done improperly. Marvel Champions was made by the one and only Fantasy Flight, known for their deep and strategic games.This one is a deck builder, so it might take you a few turns to start appreciating the game. The goal is to stop a villain from making their plan come true. You have to upgrade your heroes and use their strengths to combat the no-gooder.
With how many card games there are, traditional and modern, it is very hard to pick out a few that are great to play. These ones are the picks at the moment, but the list may and will change with time, given the sheer number of amazing card games.